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Guillermo García Alcocer, high commissioner of the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE)
announced his resignation last Monday , effective on June 15, alleging that he did not share the vision of the government branch’s current administration.
Through his Twitter account, the statesman claimed that “after three years occupying a position that has entailed some major challenges and satisfactions in my professional career,” he was leaving because “the highest political decision-makers at the commission have decided to reorganize with a vision that mostly differs from my own”
“With my departure” he added, “I would like to allow for this sector to continue growing with any adjustments required from this new vision so that our common objective may be fulfilled: A dynamic energy sector with both public and private participants that may lay the foundation for national development.”
Moreover, he called on all collaborators to lend their support to achieve all regulatory objectives without sacrificing the technical solvency that has marked the CRE for 25 years, in full adherence to the current legal framework.
During his term in the CRE, he developed his talents to regulate and monitor markets, supervise and verify concessionaires, and sanction those who failed to comply with regulations.
Likewise, he undertook the task of digitizing 100% of all of the CRE’s procedures and helped launch mobile apps such as GasoApp and AmiGas LP , which has facilitated interaction between the government body and regular citizens.
He clarified that his resignation was due to “personal reasons and not external factors.” He considered his contribution to the Regulatory Commission was complete and that it was time to make way for a new chapter in its history.