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Frente frío 23 y aire polar afectan a México este 13 de enero; persisten lluvias, caída de nieve y frío intenso

Esteban Moctezuma confirma invitación a toma de posesión de Trump; se convocó a todo el cuerpo diplomático, afirma

Semar presenta “Estrategia de Seguridad de los primeros 100 días”; busca reducir índices de violencia

Iglesia reconoce programa de desarme de Sheinbaum; pide a la sociedad trabajar para que “las armas callen”
Mexican 'Grito' during Trump Era
Mexican citizens in the United States
are getting ready – a month and a half ahead of Mexican Independence Day festivities in September – to give the Mexican Shout (Grito, as it is known) under the era of American president Donald Trump . This will be the first celebration under the mogul's administration, and consular delegations, as well as the Mexican Embassy in Washington – under Gerónimo Gutiérrez – have joined this migrant movement. For instance, we are told the Mexican consulate in El Paso, Texas, under ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) member, Marcos Bucio , began placing advertisements for the party, which will take place on September 16, at Chamizal National Memorial. Duet Alacranes Musical – who are also spreading the invite online – is also set to play at the venue. There is a special interest, according to our sources, to have a colorful yet respectful celebration, in honor of the country which gave them a job and a lifestyle. ¡Viva México, don Donald! (Long live Mexico, Mr Donald!)
Peña Nieto Spots
Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto will get a move on his tours across the Mexican Republic, in order to film the last part of his administration , according to the presidential palace. The visits of the chief executive to the different States of the country will increase in number and performed without the company of the journalists assigned to the Official Source, and they'll have two goals: comprise a spot set to be used within the legal period, before and after the president's 5th Report of the Government, and talk face to face with the governors and other key political and economic state figures. This Thursday, Peña Nieto will be in Toluca, and on Friday, in Hidalgo to engage in private activities. Thus, the head of state will fully commit to this new stage of his six-year term, according to our sources.
With Anaya until the end of the world: Romero
It's untrue, states conservative National Action Party (PAN) coordinator, Jorge Romero , at the Legislative Assembly of Mexico City, that he is selling his support to the highest bidder. Some PAN members claim Romero was assessing which of the candidates for the party's nomination for president would turn him the better profit in exchange for his support. However, Mr Romero vows his accusers are terribly mistaken since he already has his chosen one: Ricardo Anaya , whom he has always supported. Thus, all the other candidates seeking to lure him or his group with offers of positions at the Senate or the Congress better back off. He's already decided he's with Anaya until the end, and of course, his support is selfless, he is not after a better position or a candidacy. As if!
The Congress needs an extra
If someone has failed to see Senator Emilio Gamboa in the Senate is, perhaps, because they aren't paying close attention. We're assured the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) coordinator has been at the legislative venue all week, seeking to gather all the coordinators of the political powers represented in that chamber, in order to convene an extraordinary meeting period . We're reminded that, on Monday, he urged the chairman of the Political Coordination Board, conservative National Action Party (PAN), Fernando Herrera , to call all the leading members and agree on an extraordinary meeting. Yesterday, Gamboa was at the meeting of the Permanent Commission of the Congress , yet he has not been able to convince the other parties to agree on an extraordinary period to discuss issues such as the appointment of the General Attorney for the Mexican Republic, the anti-corruption attorney and the laws against fuel theft.