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The Mexican Space Agency (AEM) has invited students to apply for research stays at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) this fall.
Through the program, the AEM will seek to encourage young people interested in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics , informed the agency of the Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT) in a statement.
The General Director of the AEM, Javier Mendieta Jiménez , said that "in the Internet era, the subject of space exploration has ceased to be an exclusive domain of privileged countries. In this Fourth Transformation , we will redouble efforts so that our youth can have access to studies and training that will allow us to enrich our national telecommunications and aerospace sectors."
The scientist summoned Mexico’s higher education institutions to nominate their most outstanding undergraduate and postgraduate students interested in space science and technology so that they can acquire knowledge and then return to Mexico to complete their studies and share their experience with others after training at NASA in California, United States .
Those interested must pursue careers or postgraduate courses in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) , have average grades higher than 8.5 , have more than 75% of credits in their curricular plan (in case of having only undergraduate studies), and an English language certification , among other requirements.
The deadline is March 22, 2019 . For more information on the NASA program, click here .