
's Senate of the Republic approved the " General Law for Promotion of the Wine Industry " seeking to promote, support, and spread the activities related to the wine sector in Mexico after the 82-0 vote.

Senator Zoé Robledo emphasized that “the Mexican wine industry is diligent, proud of their roots and it aims to build inclusive communities.”

The legislative project proposes the first real, accurate and worthy definition of " Mexican Wine " and defines it as the product of grapes planted, grown and harvested of Mexican origin that will be fermented and packaged in its entirety in Mexican territory.

Likewise, it contemplates the integration of the National Commission for the Promotion of the Wine Industry (Comisión Nacional de Fomento a la Industria Vitivinícola ), a public and consultative body that will provide public information on the sector for the design of public policies, which will depend on the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries, and Food ( Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación abbreviated SAGARPA ) and the Ministry of Economy .

Senator Ricardo Urzua stressed that Mexican wine export and Mexican wine consumption must be encouraged.

In addition to defining promotion strategies and verifying compliance with official standards, this commission will promote issues such as research on grape classifications for winemaking, agricultural practices, promotion of wine routes and wine tourism corridors, among many others.

Moreover, the National Registry of Wine Producers ( Registro Nacional de Productores Vitivinícolas ) was integrated establishing a registry of grape producers, bottlers, traders, distributors, importers, and wine exporters.

Senator Angélica de la Peña assured that the [General Law for Promotion of the Wine Industry] is important to the country, by saying that "it is beneficial to support our industries."

Thus, the initiative will offer an authentic guarantee of origin, as well as a series of new mechanisms to ensure greater consistency in terms of quality.


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