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There are entities in the country that base their development on one or two economic activities , with the risks that this entails. For example, the economy of Quintana Roo revolves around tourism and the Bajio area focuses on the automotive industry. When some phenomenon of any type influences the arrival of visitors, the economy of Quintana Roo practically stops; if something affects the vehicle assembly sector, several entities will have a bad time.
It is understandable that there are states which concentrate their economy in the tourist activity, they would be mistaken not to take advantage of the natural beauties that they have. The problem comes when state governments fail to facilitate the work of businessmen in the sector and offer guarantees for the safe stay and return of the tourist.
publishes today that Veracruz is the traditional beach center with less occupation out of the destinations that the National Statistical Information System of the Tourism Sector of Mexico (DataTur) monitors.
Boca del Rio
, the main beach resort of the entity, registered a hotel occupancy of 40.8% in the first quarter of the year, the lowest in 10 years. In that city, the number of occupied rooms fell 9% compared to the previous period.
Although the lower activity of the oil industry influences the slow dynamism of tourism, the state has done little to attract visitors, an activity that has become key in the Mexican economy . The figures given in Veracruz contrast with the boom registered by this sector nationally.
Analysts emphasize the Veracruz's non-existent air connectivity with Latin American countries, which means missing the potential visits that travelers from countries to the south of the continent represent .
Promoting tourism requires comprehensive planning in several areas, from providing basic infrastructure, quality in services and offering security to the visitor. It is the local governments that must draw up the plan.
The economy of large regions of Veracruz, Tabasco and Campeche resent the periods of paralysis that the oil industry has had. Currently, states are paying the cost of relying on one single industry, even though the Gulf area , naturally, is the gateway to the United States, Europe , and a part of Latin America, and could, therefore, be the natural seat for exporting companies, however, it is not.
The deterioration of an economic activity may reflect a global situation or a national phenomenon, but it is at these junctures when local governments can become promoters of development or stand by and wait for the situation to stand on its own.