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Uncertainty has taken over Mexican immigrants living the U.S., as well as over the Mexican families that depend of the economic support provided by regular family remittances into Mexico, with the issue of the decree from U.S. president, Donald Trump, to begin construction of a wall in the Mexico-U.S. border earlier this week.
Experts like Juan José Ling, economist at BBVA Bancomer Bank, predicts that there will be a short surge of remittances to Mexico resulting from fears to the threats launched by the former Republican nominee during his presidency campaign.
According to a report issued by BBVA Bancomer Bank, titled “Migratory Conditions Mexico 2016”, income resulting from cash remittances from the U.S. to Mexico reached an historic US$24,791m in 2015, only the fourth of its kind in the history of Mexico.
Family remittances to Mexico have remained over US$20m on a yearly basis since 2005, reaching an historic level in 2007 with US$26m, while Mexican bank institutions like CitiBanamex and Banorte estimate a total of US$27m for 2016.
Michoacán, Guanajuato, Jalisco, State of Mexico and Puebla were among the five top states receiving family remittances from the U.S. in 2010 and 2015, respectively., while cash remittances increased up to US$6m in 2016.