Violence seems to accompany in every step of the way. In many regions, children grow up in the midst of a wave of violence that drowns them and which is not easy to leave behind. Mexican suffer bullying , domestic violence , , and many other heinous . Nowadays, parents no longer allow their children to play on the streets in the face of violence and crime .

Therefore, schools must be a driving force pushing for a positive change but this is not the current case as parents often demand teachers and professors to abstain from trying to change the child’s behavior.

Moreover, several teachers lack a vocation and prefer to join union trades instead of teaching; however, many other teachers lack the proper conditions to teach a class.


Andreas Schleicher

, a researcher and the Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills at the OECD , considers that can be halted in school even before it starts or so that who suffer or witness violence do not repeat it. Additionally, schools can help children to take a more positive atmosphere to home and neighborhood; ideally, schools should work as a vaccine against violence .

Therefore, to say that school must become the epicenter of an anti-violence movement and although it seems easy, it is not; on the contrary, it is quite difficult to plan and implement a program like this. Thus, educating in a way that halts needs to stop being rhetoric and translate into actions to create a peaceful country .



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