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“Fake polls” war
2018 is just around the corner and with it, the war of “fake polls.” Agustín Guerrero, former member of the left Democratic Revolution Party ( PRD ) and now with the left National Regeneration Party ( MORENA ), decided to post a poll which showed that, allegedly, the political coalitions closed 2017 with the MORENA-PT alliance ahead of the rest. Guerrero named as his source a “poll by the Presidency of the Republic.” However, the spokesman of the Presidency himself, Eduardo Sánchez , twitted him back to deny the poll had been conducted or ordered by Los Pinos. “False. This poll wasn't either ordered or performed by the Presidency of the Republic,” wrote Mr. Eduardo, adding the #FakeNews – popular to designate the false stories prowling on social networks.
Anaya keeps good company
In his struggle to win the presidential election, every little support counts, even that of awkward allies. Yesterday, the former coordinator of the conservative National Action Party ( PAN ) at the Lower Chamber, Luis Alberto Villarreal , resurfaced to support the aspiring PAN presidential candidate, Ricardo Anaya . We've been told Villarreal – who disappeared from the national political scene after his destitution for starring in a home-made video where Villarreal was seen at a private party dancing very close to some prostitutes, among them famous Montana – turned out to be one of the most fervent Anaya supporters. And in addition to him, his brother, current Mayor of San Miguel de Allende, Ricardo Villarreal , was also seen at a private event in León, Guanajuato. So, in order to change Mexico candidates need to surround themselves with the best man and women out there, like Mr. Luis Alberto, who was also mentioned in the “ Moches ” scandal. Such good company!
Where's the Auditor General?
The electoral contest is even more apparent at the Congress. What are we talking about? The coordinator of the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party ( PRI ) at the Parliament, César Camacho Quiroz, has accused the conservative National Action Party ( PAN ) of not reaching an agreement for the appointment of the Auditor General and of having disrupted any possibility of consolidating this auditing entity. We're reminded on December 31 Juan Manuel Portal will step down from his position as current Auditor General and the Office will be left leaderless. The new selection process will reopen on February 1 at the Lower Chamber, a matter the members of the Supervision Commission of the Superior Audit Office of Mexico, led by left Democratic Revolution Party ( PRD ) member Luis Maldonado .
Meade's campaign team for January
Like we told you yesterday in this very same section, the one in charge of the National Digital Strategy of the Federal Government, Alejandra Lagunes , has left her office at Los Pinos to join the team of aspiring candidate of the coalition PRI-PVEM-PANAL, José Antonio Meade . Our sources can confirm the team which will accompany Meade during the pre-campaign and his official campaign is virtually complete, yet it will be officially announced until January.