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Iglesia propone tregua de un día en México; gana apoyo en medio de creciente violencia y “fallidas” estrategias de seguridad
Leyes secundarias de reforma judicial avanzan en comisiones; oposición alerta por injerencia y falta de independencia
Piden corregir “lagunas jurídicas” en reforma a alternativas del cigarro; advierten que la tabacalera Philip Morris podría beneficiarse
“Reforma judicial y tómbola sepultaron miles de carreras”: Norma Piña; advierte que solo el tiempo mostrará sus efectos
SRE investiga boda en el MUNAL; Órgano Interno inicia indagatoria tras denuncia de Claudio Ochoa en EL UNIVERSAL
Durazo explains what happened in Culiacán
Today, during President López Obrador 's morning news conference, Security Minister Alfonso Durazo will issue a “minute by minute” report about the failed operation that led to the arrest and release of Ovidio Guzmán , the son of “El Chapo” Guzmán . We've been told that if Durazo doesn't provide clear information, we will face a lot of criticism , just like last week, after different versions about the events were circulating.
Morena's outsourcing bill
Some consider that yesterday wasn't a good day for Labor Minister Luisa María Alcalde , Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard , and President López Obrador, as some consider that the law proposed by Morena senator Napoleón Gómez Urrutia in regards to outsourcing is regressive, discourages economic growth , and promotes unemployment and informal work . It also comes in the worst moment possible, when the ratification of the USMCA is hanging from a thread, especially because the draft contains rules that could break agreements reached between the Mexican government and U.S. Congress members . We've been told that the new outsourcing bill has alarmed the private sector and companies in Mexico , Canada , and the U.S. , and some claim that it could be unconstitutional . The private sector claims that once the government reviews the draft, it will agree with them.
Ebrard to investigate pedophile
Yesterday, Minister Marcelo Ebrard halted the appointment of the Mexican consul in Las Vegas and announced that he would review the case. It was previously announced that Víctor Alberto Barreras Castro was appointed as Mexico's consul in Las Vegas . Yesterday, a Mexican journalist exposed a lawsuit filed against the man for sexual abuse of a minor : in 2011 , he was accused of abusing one of his students. A tribunal ordered his imprisonment and he had to reach a compensation agreement with the victim and her parents. In the end, he wasn't criminally prosecuted but the seriousness of the case led Ebrard to reconsider his appointment.
Child sexual abuse cases up 39% in Mexico.
Alberto Fernández will visit Mexico
The Argentinian President-elect , Alberto Fernández , will travel to Mexico , although he wanted to meet with López Obrador since late August but his request had been denied since he was still a presidential candidate back then. Now that Alberto Fernández won the election in Argentina , he will travel to Mexico City . We've been told that the meeting will take place next week.