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A train with no brakes, that's what Saul "Canelo" Alvarez (49-1-1, 34 KO) looked like yesterday when he defeated Julio César Chávez Jr (50-3-1, 32 KO) by unanimous decision to make it clear he's the best Mexican boxer fighting today.
Capacity of commitment over 12 episodes was what “Canelo” showed. A beating artist who established conditions from the first moment
The fight, which waited for 10 years, became a party for Álvarez and only regret for Chávez jr who was more fierce with his words than with his fists.
Julio wasted the opportunity to continue building a name for himself and stop being known as “The son of legend”. On the contrary, he added chaos and doubts to his career. He may not have a future after being beaten without any resistance. He only received punishment.
A Clear victory for Saul. All judges saw him win each of the 12 rounds. The entire audience ended up cheering for him although he entered the T-mobile Arena booed by more than half of the 20 thousand people who attended the battle.
Las Vegas built a confrontation that the world consumed with "Canelo" as the star of the moment. The boxing Mecca is now promoting a fight between the Mexican and Gennady Golovkin. The Kazakh came up to the ring last night to challenge Alvarez who said he was not afraid of anyone.