The robots are able to identify people by memorizing their facial features in dynamic environments
The robots are able to identify people by memorizing their facial features in dynamic environments
The robot could help to monitor patients and supply medicines in COVID-19 areas
The prosthesis is made with mechanical, electronic, and 3D-printed pieces
The UBTECH Robotics competition consists of building and programming a robot that is able to perform multiple tasks
Roki was designed by engineers Norberto Velázquez, Daniel Izar, and José Antonio Ramírez to help people with disabilities
The robots will navigate the lunar surface and form a solar panel
The objective of the Biorobotics Lab is to prepare students and pursue research in the area
The group of Mexican students will also visit the Mexican Consulate in Houston and the San Jacinto Museum
Their Arpa Laser project aims to help children learn English through music
Two IPN students have build a machine meant to help facilitate learning of math and computer skills among children