Two buried tank trucks carrying 10,558 gallons of stolen fuel were seized by the Mexican Navy at an address in Veracruz’s Pánuco municipality .

The Ministry of the Navy informed that the operation had been conducted alongside the Attorney General’s Office (FGR), the Mexican Army, and the state Ministry of Public Security . Naval elements executed a search warrant in several addresses on March 8 .

During their first inter-institutional operative, federal and state forces found a buried tank truck carrying 6.379 gallons of fuel , as well as 15 empty drums with a capacity of up to 220 gallons each, one steered city trailer, and three pickup trucks.

At the second address, Mexican authorities were able to seize another buried tank truck carrying 4,179 gallons of fuel, which has been transferred to Pemex tank trucks and taken to the state oil company’s Maritime Terminal in Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas , where it will undergo a chemical analysis.

Though no arrests were made during the operation, it is presumed that the seized transport units are linked to illegal fuel extraction from Pemex pipelines.

All seized vehicles and fuel were turned over to competent authorities for the integration of the investigation.

The Mexican Navy reiterated its commitment to prevent fuel theft and contribute to Mexico’s 2018-2024 National Peace and Security Plan , acting in accordance with human rights.


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