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UNAM propone aumento del 4% en salario y 2% en prestaciones a académicos; falta aprobación del personal

Consulados ofrecen a mexicanos en EU talleres para conocer sus derechos; promueven planes ante posibles detenciones

“A resolver”; Senado tiene plan B para elección judicial en caso de que Comité del PJ desacate resolución: Noroña

No hay enfrentamientos en el Poder Judicial: Mónica Soto; defiende denuncia contra juez que frenó actividades del Comité del PJ

Corte detemina que uso de animales para ritos es crueldad animal y debe ser castigado; resolución no viola libertad de culto

“Billy” Álvarez asegura ser un preso político; pide “benevolencia” ante acusaciones de lavado y delincuencia organizada
La Luz del Mundo's secrets will be exposed
Experts from Mexico's National Archive are those reading all the secret information about the Light of the World Church , which was obtained by spies between 1979 and 1985 . We've been told that a public version of the file will be available later this year. We've been told that the document will be ready by late November or early December because the agency is overwhelmed with work. If you think that's a long wait, don't forget that the National Institute of Fine Arts and Literature (INBAL) was afraid of the scandals and will keep the permit it gave the Light of the World Church to organize an event to pay homage to its leader, Naasón Joaquín García , at the Palace of Fine Arts secret for 5 years.
Manuel Velasco is back
Former Chiapas governor, Manuel Velasco Coello
, will return to the Senate with a mission: promote the revocation of mandate bill , one of the priority reforms for the current administration. Very few know this but Velasco is a long-time political operator of López Obrador, long before he became President . Now, with the help of the President's powerful legal counselor, Julio Scherer , Velasco is getting ready to build bridges between Morena , the opposition, and the Presidency to solve the pending reforms. Velasco is expected to stay in the Senate for four months and then he'll join the federal government.
Seade forgot about the right terms
People have been watching their language when referring to immigrants. In the international stage , people have eliminated the word “ illegal .” Someone who suddenly forgot all this is the Foreign Affairs Undersecretary , Jesús Seade , the official in charge of taking care of Mexicans living in the U.S. , no matter what their migration status is. Seade considered that Mexicans should be respected and defend their nationality although he recognized that this is difficult because of the way in which many of them arrive in the U.S. He said they are “ illegal immigrants .”
An award for Graue
The Autonomous University of Sinaloa will award the National Autonomous University of Mexico and its dean, Enrique Graue by granted Graue an honorary doctorate today. We've been told that the award is the highest honor the UAS awards to people who are known for their contributions to Mexico . Once again, it's been confirmed that the UNAM's Goya is not exclusive to Mexico City as it'll be heard in Culiacán .