Miguel Torruco Marqués, Mexico City's Minister of Tourism, invited jazz lovers to participate in the activities that will be held on November 26 during the First Annual Jazz Festival in the city's Zona Rosa neighborhood.

Torruco Margués revealed on his Twitter account that 20 different jazz bands and artists will be performing at the event. Four stages will be set up outside on the streets Hamburgo, Londres, Amberes and Liverpool.

Veinte bandas en cuatro escenarios y ubicados en Hamburgo, Londres, Amberes y Liverpool darán vida a la #ZonaRosa este sábado 26 noviembre pic.twitter.com/aKJeN65hMw

— MiguelTorrucoMarqués (@TorrucoTurismo) 22 de noviembre de 2016

The first event starts at 1 pm and the festival is expected to end at 8 pm. 

The event is free and people of all ages are invited to join in on the fun.

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