Thousands of environmental activists paralyzed parts of central London by blocking Marble Arch, Oxford Circus, and Waterloo Bridge in a bid to force the government to do more to tackle climate change
Thousands of environmental activists paralyzed parts of central London by blocking Marble Arch, Oxford Circus, and Waterloo Bridge in a bid to force the government to do more to tackle climate change
The President said the education reform didn't translate into the improvement of the quality of public education
Over the coming week, Macron will launch three months of national debate to air yellow-vest grievances in the hope of appeasing the movement, which has undermined his authority and upended his reform drive
About 2,000 Hungarians protested at the state television building to demand independent public media and courts in the latest gathering uniting a fragmented opposition in action against right-wing Prime Minister Viktor Orban
The civil resistance was crashed by the anti-riot police, while some protesters, as well as journalists, were beaten
Over 120 members of the Bikers Association of Northern State of Mexico demanded the federal government to repeal the recent gasoline hike as they consider it “unfair”
Mexican Catholic priest and human rights activist, Alejandro Solalinde Guerra, distanced all peaceful demonstrations from the recent looting in the country and called citizens not be afraid of protesting against the gasoline hike
Local police monitor demonstrations in downtown Mexico City with no violent displays registered so far; Tapachula protesters also committed to a peaceful demonstration
Mexicans were enraged by the 20-percent fuel price hike announced over the weekend as part of a government deregulation effort
The Cybercrime Police has detected over 1,500 fake social networks accounts encouraging the looting of stores and portraying the protests over gas price hike as violent