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“Me parece una película todo esto que vivimos”; Marino Arturo Zacarías relata el fin de su pesadilla a manos de rebeldes hutíes

Aumenta 144% detención de niños mexicanos solos que cruzan a EU; su trayecto los convierte en blancos del crimen

El desierto fronterizo entre México y EU un cementerio de documentos; “siempre ves pasaportes rotos aquí”, relatan
Corruption at the Federal Police?
Do you remember that the new members of the National Migration Institute received XXL uniforms ? Well, it seems like it was the same case for the Federal Police . We've been told that before Federal Police agents joined the National Guard, they were given uniforms that were stored at warehouses for over two years. Each officer received uniforms that cost between MXN $20,000 and MXN $25,000 . The thing is that those uniforms aren't useful because the former federal police officers are now members of the National Guard and therefore, they have to use the National Guard uniform . The federal government believes someone is trying to cover the mismanagement of the uniforms but the government has been informed and will have to launch an investigation .
The PAN blocked AMLO's TV appearance
Who was behind the cancellation of the broadcast of the President's celebration of his 2018 electoral win ? Although you might not believe it, it was the PAN , the opposition party led by Marko Cortés , a party that hasn't been very active in the last 12 months. We've been told that the PAN filed a complaint before the INE on June 29, for the possible violation of the constitution and the use of public resources for personal promotion. In the face of the possibility of a legal battle, the federal government suspended the broadcasting of the event. The news is that the PAN was active.
An organization will occupy the Texcoco airport
It seems like the organization “ Yellow Vests MX ” likes organizing protests against President López Obrado r. We've been told that the group will call for another protest scheduled for July 27. We've been told that the plan is to protest in the place were the Texcoco airport was being built. The invitation hasn't been confirmed but we've been told that the aim is to call the “legitimate owners” of the airport and occupy the facilities to “defend” the airport. The organization established 5 main axes, including the construction of the Texcoco airport , as well as to eradicate the proposal of a referendum for the revocation of mandate .
Cubans postpone meeting with Mexico
We've been told that the Cuban government canceled the Mexico-Cuba Interparliamentary Meeting because of the lack of agreements during the formation of the Mexican entourage . We've been told that the Cuban government didn't agree with the level of the Mexican entourage proposed by Morena as Martí Batres and Ricardo Monreal won't attend the meeting. Therefore, ambassador Pedro Núñez told the head of the Senate's Foreign Affairs Commission for Latin America, Vanessa Rubio (PRI) , that the meeting will be postponed until October.