The Government of Mexico City, the National Electoral Institute of Mexico City, and the leaderships of seven political parties with official registration in Mexico City signed yesterday a civility agreement for the upcoming election.

The agreement aims to guarantee the respect of the rights to freedom of expression , right to information , and right to freedom of assembly in public spaces for the entire electoral process 2017-2018, in Mexico City.

The leaders of the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), conservative National Action Party (PAN), left Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), center-left Citizen's Movement Party (MC); center-right Green Party (PVEM), center-right New Alliance Party (PANAL), and the Humanitarian Party signed the agreement before the head of the National Electoral Institute of Mexico City, Mario Velázquez, and the Minister of the Interior Patricia Mercado.

Despite the left National Regeneration Party ( MORENA ), conservative Social Encounter Party ( PES ), and far-left Labor Party ( PT ) were also invited, none of the parties representatives attended.

The eight major items of the agreement are as follows:


Political parties acknowledge the need of using public spaces equitably and, therefore, agree to establish agreements to achieve this goal.


Political parties shall notify the heads of boroughs and the government of Mexico City of their requirements to make use of public spaces , and local authorities will appoint a person to supervise the compliance of the agreement reached for this purpose.


The Government of Mexico City shall supervise and follow up on the compliance of agreements reached with local governments in Mexico City regarding the requests of political parties, as well as alternative proposals recommended whenever said requirements are deemed unfeasible.


Should political parties detect risks that may affect the adequate development and execution of any given scheduled event, they shall request security measures to be provided through the Ministry of the Interior.


Should events related to electoral campaigns temporarily disrupt normal transit, political parties shall notify the corresponding authorities through the Ministry of the Interior with a minimum of 48 hours in advance, taking into account all applicable provisions on the use of city streets and roads.


It is herein agreed that the heads of the sixteen boroughs of Mexico City , or appointed representatives, shall be called to ratify this agreement.


The Government of Mexico City and signatory local governments, with the support of signatory political parties, agree herein to comply and respect the free exercise of the rights to freedom of expression , assembly , and demonstration, as well as with the right to information of all people during pre-campaign and campaign events taking place in public spaces, ensuring the exercise of journalistic work and the respect of human rights.


The Government of Mexico City and signatory political parties shall permanently preserve this discussion table throughout the electoral process.

Next Monday, it is expected that the 16 heads of Mexico City's boroughs will ratify the agreement.


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