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La Clínica es Nuestra se suma al ISSSTE: Batres; podrán utilizar recursos para mejorar infraestructura

Bienestar supervisa centros para migrantes; deportados podrán permanecen hasta tomar “decisiones de vida”
The World Space Week committee, created by the UN , recognized Mexico for its diffusion of activities to attract young people to space science and technology . Mexico was placed in third place, which means it promotes science more than countries such as India, United States, Spain, France, and England , said the Mexican Space Agency (AEM).
Dennis Stone
, president of the World Space Week Association (WSWA) said that the distinction belongs to the Mexican youth and their talent .
The general director of the AEM , Javier Mendieta Jiménez , said that "their talent, which is already recognized worldwide, seems to be (focused) on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (education) related to space .”
He explained that the AEM will continue to support their talented youth to consolidate Mexico 's capacity to join the aerospace, telecommunications and information technology (ICT) sectors.
He said that these activities have attracted more over 180,000 participants and that the agency has hosted events throughout the country without extra money.
On the other hand, the National Coordinator of the World Space Week Mexico , Mario M. Arreola Santander , emphasized that the participation of the Mexican Youth Institute , the Digital Inclusion Centers led by the SCT , as well as culture institutes , universities , schools , astronomy societies , and science promoters is key to promote science .
In this regard, he said: "The next thing we could do is look for the medium and long-term result these actions will have on the lives of younger generations and their participation in STEM activities in their countries."
He emphasized that given the results obtained in several competitions, Mexico was also awarded, for the second year in a row, a distinction from the global chair of the World Space Week 2019, which reaffirms Mexico's commitment for the development education, science, and technology.