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Now that the world is facing tough times , it’s essential to stay healthier and stronger than ever. Factors such as stress , an unhealthy diet , and social gatherings make us more vulnerable to respiratory diseases , however, there are foods and vitamins that can help you to strengthen your general health,and as a result, the immune system .
According to Harvard Medical School , the immune system requires balance and harmony. Although scientists are still learning about the immune system, especially the effects of diet , exercise , age , psychological stress , and other factors.
General recommendations include not smoking , eat fruits and vegetables , exercise , get enough sleep , wash your hands frequently, try to minimize stress , and cook meat properly.
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It is important to mention that as we age, the “ immune response capability becomes reduced, which in turn contributes to more infections and more cancer .”
There are few studies of the effects of nutrition on the immune system , however, a healthy diet can contribute to general good health and therefore to a healthy immune system.
Although oranges are rich in vitamin C , they’re not the only foods you should be eating. Include red bell pepper , broccoli , garlic , ginger , spinach , yogurt , almonds , turmeric , green tea , papaya , kiwi , poultry , sunflower seeds , and shellfish ,
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Three-quarters of the cells that form the immune system are produced in the gut microbiota , so it is important to eat foods such as kefir , jocoque or labneh , yogurt , and food rich in fiber .
If you don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables , you can take vitamins .
Other highly recommended foods , spices, and herbs are turmeric , cinnamon , clove , coriander , and ginger are antibacterial and inflammatory agents.
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