Eight-year-old Graciela Elizalde, who is afflicted by an aggressive form of epilepsy, will be able to get a treatment with cannabis-based cannabidol thanks to the authorization of the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Health Risks (Cofepris).

Her father met with Mikel Arriola, head of Cofepris, who told him that the agency authorizes the use of experimental medicines which do not represent risks to public health.

He added that while the cannabis question is something that has to be settled by Congress, the case of this girl is just one of the very few reported in the country.

The encounter comes after Elizalde met with Health Minister Mercedes Juan, who promised that the girl, afflicted by the Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, will be able to continue with her treatment.

As for the use of the medicine, still in an experimental stage in the U.S., Arriola said that "we are prepared to authorize its importation as soon as a prescription is presented."

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