Yunes, the luxury watch, and Anaya

The image of Miguel Ángel Yunes hiding his luxury watch is a full body portrait of the man himself: a politician who has always hidden what is inconvenient for him, such as his long alliance with Elba Esther Gordillo , as our sources remind us. Yet he is also allegedly good at showing his loyalties, particularly now that he is trying to secure the position of his son, Miguel Ángel Jr., as Governor of Veracruz. To achieve this, we've been told, he's trying to get in Ricardo Anaya' s good graces by supporting the idea of the “conspiracy theory” of EL UNIVERSAL to discredit the former national leader of the conservative National Action Party (PAN) and Yunes himself. Our sources say the current Governor of Veracruz wants to show he is allied with the aspiring presidential candidate in a common cause against a news outlet for having published an article about the luxury watch Yunes bought for himself as a birthday present. An article which, by the way, other news outlets also published.

Presidential agenda

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto resumes his work today after the New Year festivities. We've been told that the Head of State has a private agenda for this Wednesday and Thursday, which includes work meetings with his team. The first public activity of the President, our sources say, is scheduled for next Friday in Colima , where he will make his first tour of the year to lead the official ceremony for the Day of the Nurse. Thus begin the activities of the President for this 2018, the last year of Peña Nieto's administration.

Harassment at the INE

We've been told a group of women, advocating for women's rights, have demanded to the president of the National Electoral Institute ( INE ), Lorenzo Córdova , an explanation as to why he hasn't taken action against the director of the INE's Secretariat, Jorge Lovoignet, who has been accused of sexual harassment by one of his female employees. Writer Sabina Berman has asked several times Mr. Lorenzo on Twitter about this issue without ever getting a reply. Mony de Swaan has also spread the case on social networks but he did finally get a reply: the INE's protocol to prevent, address, and punish sexual harassment and abuse at the workplace has been activated, and the rights of the claimant are protected.

MC debuts new parliament leader

The new coordinator of the center-left Citizen's Movement Party (MC) in San Lázaro is the Deputy Macedonio Tamez , after Clemente Castañeda requested a leave of absence to work on his campaign for the Senate. Tamez has the task of continuing the work Castañeda had been doing at the Lower Chamber, together with his fellow colleagues of the conservative National Action Party (PAN) and the left Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), through the so-called Legislative Front, such as the austerity policies. We've been told Mr. Macedonio was once director of the Police of Guadalajara, Municipal President of Zapopan and member of Center for Investigation and National Security (CISEN).


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