
Vatican treasures on display in Mexico

Over 100 treasures of the Vatican Museums will be exhibited in the Ancient College of San Ildefonso

Artworks from the Vatican Museums – Photo: NOTIMEX
23/05/2018 |14:35Newsroom & Agencies |
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Over 100 artworks, representing 2,000 years of the history of the Catholic Church, will leave the borders of Vatican City to travel to Mexico City , where they will be exhibited.

Paintings, sarcophagus, vases, sculptures, tapestries and more will be some of the items selected for the exhibition “From Saint Peter to Francis,” part of the celebrations over the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Mexico and the Vatican, scheduled to open next June 19 at the Former College of San Ildefonso.

“It has truly been a tremendous effort by the Vatican Museums to propose all these works, above all because these are pieces usually exhibited here,” explained Alessandra Rodolfo, curator of the exhibition during an interview with Notimex.

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Vatican treasures on display in Mexico

(Photo: Notimex)

She further detailed this is one of the largest artwork loans in recent times made by the Vatican and that many of the pieces visitors to the Vatican Museums want to see are the ones currently being transported.

In the upcoming days, the artworks will be shipped under the inscription “fragile” to be received by technicians at the College of San Ildefonso .

“The exhibition will present a series of artworks in an accurate and organized tour that will include each piece. It will recreate something more than just the display of the artworks by themselves,” explained Rodolfo.
