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Dozens of chroniclers from all over the country will gather in the state of Morelos to share experiences and knowledge surrounding the historical memory of general Emiliano Zapata in the framework of the 100th anniversary of his death .
The Special National Meeting of Chroniclers will take place on April 5 and 8 . The historians will present information and unpublished documents that are part of private collections, stated the event coordinator Tláloc Rafael García Lazos .
“Chronicles are an essential part of our history. If we know our history, we will be able to repeat some of our wisest decisions and avoid mistakes,” he explained after pointing out the importance of the event for the preservation of Mexican history.
The meeting will be held at the Cuautla, Ayala, Tlaltizapán, Atlatlahucan, and Yecapixtla municipalities. The Second National Encounter of Chronicles for Children and Youth will also take place in Yexapixtla on April 6.
García Lazos pointed out that some of the chroniclers were also historians and many of them worked on recovering different peoples’ oral tradition.
The National Meeting of Chroniclers is organized by the Morelos Ministry of Culture and Tourism , as well as the National Association of Chroniclers in Mexican Cities A.C.