
Trump warned Mexico about his latest move

Donald Trump intends to designate Mexican cartels as terrorist groups - Photo: Susan Walsh/AP
28/11/2019 |10:39
Redacción El Universal
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Trump warned Mexico about his latest move

Many have been surprised by the comments made by Donald Trump , who expressed his desire to designate as terrorist groups . Nevertheless, we've been told that on March 12, he already discusses his plan with Breitbart News , a right-wing media outlet. So politicians and a few chancellors surprised by Trump 's move, are in fact clueless.

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Evo Morales needs funds

The Mexican governmen t is no longer financially supporting former , and his two former cabinet ministers, Álvaro García Linera and Gabriela Montaño. They had been staying at a military facility for two weeks. Now, they have announced that they have left the facility and that they now have to cover their expenses , so they have called on Mexicans and ambassadors to help them. As you might remember, some Morena lawmakers proposed to raise funds for Evo Morales . Nevertheless, the three Bolivians are still being protected by bodyguards .

Pro-Trump governors in Mexico

After Trum p announced his intention to designate Mexican drug cartels as we've been told that some government officials are upset with Guanajuato governor Diego Sinhué Rodríguez , PAN , after he voiced his support for Trump's plant since a this could end in a U.S. military intervention . We've been told that government officials say PAN governments have been incompetent to pacify their states and how comfortable is it for them that Trump comes to save them from “ narco-terrorists .” They also say that for them, any help is good, but it would be better if they read the Constitution and the National Security Law , where foreign intervention is considered as a threat . They say that those who are now asking for U.S. troops , tomorrow could suffer the effects of foreign intervention, such as the ones registered in countries where the U.S. has implemented actions to eradicate terrorists .

Baja California lawmakers could face a trial


were ready to vote the political trial against former Baja California lawmakers , who approved the extension of the governorship for Jaime Bonilla . Nevertheless, PRD coordinator Verónica Juárez postponed this definition because it might have been rejected. Federal lawmakers decided to postpone the voting until the Supreme Court issues a verdict in regards to the Bonilla case so there's enough evidence against Baja California lawmakers.
