
The Treaty which ended the Mexican-American War

In the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, Mexico agreed to give over half of its national territory to the U.S. in order to end the war

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo – Image taken from Twitter account @USNatArchives
07/05/2018 |11:42Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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On February 2, 1848, a document was signed to end the war between Mexico and the United States . This agreement, the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, includes the provision that Mexico would give up over half of its national territory in return for MXN$ 15 million for damages caused during the war.

The pages of Articles 5 and 8 and the signature page will be featured at the exhibition “Borderlands of Southern Colorado”, at El Pueblo History Museum, in Colorado .

Local newspaper informed that two officials from the National Archives arrived to install the documents part of this exhibition, which will remain until July 4.

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Usually, this document is housed at the National Archives Vault in Washington D.C. and the last time it was on display was at the Arizona State Museum, in 2013.

According to the article, the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo is one of the most important documents for the United States, as this moved the border from the Arkansas River to the Rio Grande River, adding the territories which are now Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New México, Utah, and Wyoming.

Moreover, the Treaty sets forth that Mexico gave up to all claims to Texas , whose annexation by the U.S. was one of the detonators of the war.

Each document page is divided in two: the left side in English and the right side in Spanish.
