
Security forces clash with criminal group in Tierra Caliente, Michoacán

This region is characterized by violence, crime, poverty, and drug trafficking

Vigilante groups operate in the region since 2013 - Photo: Juan José Estrada Zerafín/CUARTOSCURO.COM
21/07/2020 |15:46
Redacción El Universal
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Mexican authorities registered a shooting in Buenavista, in Michoacán , a few hours ago. Reports indicate that at least three civilians died and one was wounded; a soldier was also wounded.

The shooting took place in División del Norte, a small town located in the Tierra Caliente region. Sources indicated the National Guard and the army confronted a drug cartel known as “ Los Viagras .”

Reports suggest the shooting started when the criminal organization attacked the federal security forces on a road between Apatzingán and Buenavista.

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While the security forces followed the gunmen, the criminals’ vehicle tipped over.

At least three criminals died during the shooting and two others were wounded.


Authorities seized weapons and cartridges from the cartel gunmen.

The Tierra Caliente region is, once again, experiencing a surge in crime and violence as a result of the presence of several drug cartels.

On July 20, a group of civilians and gunmen blocked the Apatzingán-Aguililla road for a few minutes to prevent the National Guard and the army from entering the area.

Federal forces and an armed group working for the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel clashed in Aguililla, Michoacán, on July 17. Authorities informed that five gunmen died and two officials were wounded during the shooting. Authorities seized 15 weapons.

During this operation, federal forces were trying to arrest Miguel Fernández, also known as " El M2 .” Fernández is a leader within the CJNG and is based in Aguililla. Authorities aimed to dismantled his criminal organization but he escaped.

Although the National Guard and the army have yet to address these two incidents; however, three videos posted online reveal more information regarding the wave of violence registered in Tierra Caliente.

One of the videos shows how members of the National Guard and the Sedena repelled the attack in Los Bancos.

The second video shows a wounded person that wasn’t identified. The person is transported in an army vehicle and security forces transport him to a helicopter.

The third video shows the moment when a helicopter takes off while a security official explains that the federal forces were attacked by a criminal organization since 10 AM and adds that they were “ambushed.”

Miguel Fernández, aka "El M2"

Federal and state authorities have identified Miguel Fernández as the leader of the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel in Aguililla, Michoacán.

Authorities said the man, also known as “El M2,” was behind a deadly attack against Michoacán police in October 2019. The attack took place in El Aguaje. At least 14 officials died while eight were injured.

The criminal group led by Fernández took responsibility for the ambush and prompted federal and state forces to launch an operation to dismantle the criminal organization.

Mexican authorities deliver a bold to the criminal group on January 10, when state police, the National Guard, and the army killed infamous murderess María Guadalupe López Esquivel, aka “La Catrina.”

Authorities also arrested eight gunmen working for the deadly CJNG during the operation.

Durante ese operativo fueron detenidos también ocho sicarios de ese grupo al servicio del Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación.

Tierra Caliente

Tierra Caliente is region located in the Michoacán. During the last decade, the region has registered a surge in crime and violence due to the presence of violent cartels such as CJNG, Los Viagras, Los Caballeros Templarios, and La Familia Michoacana.

Vigilante groups

operate in the region to protect themselves from the criminals since 2013.

This region is characterized by violence, crime, poverty, and drug trafficking.

