
Miguel Barbosa's polemic statement

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Miguel Barbosa won the Puebla election after Governor Erika Alonso died - Photo: Omar Contreras/EL UNIVERSAL
10/10/2019 |09:58
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Miguel Barbosa's polemic statement

The Huejotzingo mayor, Angélica Alvarado , deleted a video that went viral from her page, where the Puebla governor , Miguel Barbosa , is seen saying that God punished those who stole the election. Barbosa was referring to Martha Erika Alonso and Rafael Moreno Valle, who died in a helicopter crash in December 2018 . The Puebla government later decided to take the video down as well.

Everyone wants to get in the Supreme Court

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A storm is coming to the Senate , as a new Supreme Court judge has to be appointed, as well as two new members of the Federal Judicial Council . We've been told the opposition examines the contenders suggested by President López Obrador closely and they have warned that they will object if the main contender has ties to a political party . On the other hand, among the 100 contenders to the Judicial Council , three of them stand out: Loretta Ortiz, Israel Alvarado, and Ricardo Ojeda . All of them have ties to the current administration and two of them have a long career at the Judiciary . Nevertheless, Ortiz is close to the President . Who do you think will be the chosen one?

No changes at the PRI

The PRI leader, Alejandro Moreno , has said that he will defend the party's name and colors and that there is no reason to change any of it. And if someone is planning to propose this during the party's National Assembly in 2020 , this will be discussed and he will defend the party's symbols . Do you think people will have forgotten about the PRI , its name, and color by 2021 ?

Bonilla and Graco hang out

The Baja California governor-elect, Jaime Bonilla , was seen in Mexico City , accompanied by the former Morelos governor , Graco Ramírez. Bonilla is spending a lot of time in Mexico City after the decisions made in regards to his term as governor . However, it is interesting to think about what could bring both of them together, especially since the current Morelos governor , Cuauhtémoc Blanco , is after Graco Ramírez .
