
Mexico’s army will deploy 16,750 members to control the COVID-19 crisis

President López Obrador announced the army would operate 10 hospitals

On March 24, Mexico entered the second stage of its contingency plan even though only 1% of COVID-19 cases are spread by the community  - Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
25/03/2020 |16:06Alberto Morales, Perla Miranda y Pedro Villa y Caña |
Redacción El Universal
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Luis Cresencio Sandova

l, the head of Mexico’s National Defense Ministry ( SEDENA ), announced the institution will launch the so-called , an emergency plan, in the midst of the . The emergency plan includes the deployment of 16,750 members of its medical staff to treat those infected with coronavirus .

During President López Obrador ’s news conference, general Sandoval said the institute has 1,727 nurses ; 824 medical officers ; 8,152 medical corps ; and 649 dentists who will be trained to help during the .

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Additionally, the Mexican army will also deploy 100 intensive care ambulances , 470 ambulances , and use 313 .

In previous days, President López Obrador announced the army would operate .

Moreover, Mexico’s Finance Ministry transferred an additional MXN $4,500 million to the army and navy , in order for both institutions to launch their emergency plans: DN-III plan and the Navy Plan.


According to Finance Minister Arturo Herrera , the army received MXN $4,000 million, while the navy received MXN $500 million.

On March 24, Mexico entered the of its contingency plan even though only 1% of COVID-19 cases are and were not imported from China , Europe , or the U.S.

According to phase 2, the government will implement more strict measures to halt the propagation of the virus .

