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The federal government is investing in the construction of two light trains : one between the State of Mexico and Mexico City, and one in Xalapa, Veracruz.
According to information released by the Railway Transport Regulating Agency (ARTF), both projects must be completed before 2024.
The train in the State of Mexico and Mexico City will travel from Naucalpan to Buenavista , in Mexico City. It will use the existing railway infrastructure that is currently unused.
The new light train would connect Naucalpan de Juárez to the subway station “Refinería,” and then head towards Buenavista.
Recommended: Mexico plans to build a train in Chiapas
The ARTF will launch a tender for the pre-investment studies before the year ends. Federal authorities will pay MXN 50 million for experts to determine if the light train is viable and include the project in the 2021 Budget.
The new light train would connect industrial areas, universities, parks, and subway lines located in Mexico City and its metropolitan area.
The Railway Transport Regulating Agency argues heavy traffic congestion affects the area. It adds that subway station Cuatro Caminos is the main means of transport Naucalpan residents use to travel to Mexico City; however, it is crowded most of the day.
The regulating agency explains that it is necessary to reduce travel times and provide more mobility and connectivity to hospitals, schools, and offices.
Naucalpan de Juárez has around 844,219 inhabitants. In Mexico City, Azcapotzalco has 400,161 residents; Miguel Hidalgo has 364,439, and Cuauhtémoc has 532,553 inhabitants. In total, the new light train could benefit 1,741,211 potential users.
Furthermore, the project would boost regional development by increasing the economic potential in the area, as well as promote the productive integration of the metropolitan area.
The ARTF didn’t specify the investment required to build the Naucalpan-Buenavista Light Train.
Recommended: Mexico aims to boost the local economy through the Tehuantepec Isthmus train
Light Train in Veracruz
The second project planned by the federal government is a light train in known as the “Tren Ligero Metropolitano de la Región Capital- Banderilla-Velódromo en Xalapa-Coatepec–Xico.”
The light train that would connect Xalapa with Coatepec and Xico would use the existing infrastructure operated by Kansas City Southern de México. It would cover 30.8 kilometers, and offer both passenger and cargo services.
The project was discussed during a meeting between governors last week. Authorities estimate the light train could benefit at least 650,000 inhabitants.
The ARFT argues that this railway project would benefit Xalapa and nearby communities since it was registered a deterioration in mobility in the last two decades. The deterioration was caused by the excessive growth of the urban area, a decrease in population density, a deficient transport, the decay of railway infrastructure, and the lack of infrastructure aimed at pedestrians and cyclists.
Moreover, the recent years the number of vehicles in the city has increased more than the population. It increased by 5.3% between 2014 and 2018.
EL UNIVERSAL previously reported that the federal government is planning to build trains in several states. Besides the Mayan Train in the Yucatán Peninsula and the Tehuantepec Isthmus Train in Oaxaca, the Mexican government plans to build a train between Tapachula, the international airport, and Chiapas ’ port.