
Mexican wins #SelfExpression competition

"Mobile photography has allowed me to capture countless images in my everyday life"

Photo: Taken from Saatchi Gallery's Twitter Account
05/09/2017 |17:00
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Mexican Paola Esmene won #SelfExpression competition organized within the exhibition “ From Selfie to Self-Expression ,” announced Saatchi Gallery in London .

Daydream in Blue ” was the photo that allowed the artist to present a solo exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery.

The gallery congratulated Paola Ismene on its Twitter account: “Congrats to #SelfExpression winner Paola Ismene from Mexico !”

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"I am truly grateful for being selected because this is a great platform to expose the work of emerging photographers," she said.

London's Saatchi Gallery is closing the “From Selfie to Self-Expression” exhibition inaugurated on March 31 presented by Huawei , a Chinese multinational networking and telecommunications equipment and services company.

"We hope that this new #SelfExpression competition encourages everyone with a smartphone to realize its potential as an artistic tool, and inspire them to document their daily lives with even more creative vigor," said Nigel Hurst , Saatchi Gallery CEO .
