
Mexican Teresa Margolles among top 21st century visual artists

There are three Latin American artists in the list: Tania Bruguera from Cuba, Doris Salcedo from Colombia, and Teresa Margolles from Mexico

Artist Teresa Margolles at the inauguration of her exhibition at “El Eco” Experimental Museum in 2007 – Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
25/09/2019 |15:12Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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Tania Bruguera, Teresa Margolles, and Doris Salcedo

are the Latin Americans that have stood out in an international list that has gathered the best artists of the 21st century.

The list, organized by The Guardian , includes 25 artists whose work has stood out since 2000 . Cuban Tania Bruguera is in the 20th place , while Colombian Doris Salcedo is in the 8th and Mexican Teresa Margolles in the 5th over Chinese activist Ai Weiwei , who is in the 17th place.

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Teresa Margolles was recognized by her piece “What Else Could We Talk About?” (2009) in which one person mops the floor and stairs of a Venice palace. Nonetheless, the rags with which the person cleans are soaked in the blood of the Mexican victims of violence and murder .

The piece was made for La Biennale di Venezia 2009 .

From Bruguera , the British outlet highlighted the performance “Tatlin’s Whisper #5” in 2008. During the piece, two mounted policemen are taken to the museum or place of the exhibition. They patrol the space, guide, and control the public using a minimum of six crowd control techniques.

The artist reflects on how these methods are perceived differently according to the place where they take place.

From Doris Salcedo, the Guardian highlighted “Shibboleth,” a work for which the Colombian became the first artist to be displayed in the Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall .

The piece, whose name makes reference to a passage of the Old Testament , in which a 167 meters crack cuts the floor.

Other creators who appeared in the list of best artists of the 21st century are Tacita Dean, Steve McQueen, Sarah Lucas, Ai Weiwei, Pussy Riot, Piette Huyghe, Jeremy Deller, and Ragnar Kjartansson.
