
Mexican students helped by Guillermo del Toro excel in Maths Olympiad

Back in May, Guillermo del Toro offered to cover the travel expenses of the team to South Africa

Del Toro also helped the Mexican team that participated in the International Mathematical Olympiad in London – Photo: Taken from the Mexican Mathematics Olympiad’s Twitter account
06/08/2019 |16:34Newsroom |
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The Mexican team that participated in the International Mathematics Competition 2019 , held in South Africa , won the gold, silver and bronze medals in one of the most important competitions in the world.

The youths that traveled with the support of filmmaker Guillermo del Toro had great success and triumphed in the competition. Last May 24th , the filmmaker offered his help to these students after they had difficulties to finance thei r travel expenses for the competition, since the CONACyT took too long and delivered insufficient resources.

“Thanks @RealGDT! We don’t want to imagine what would have happened without your support, but here are the results,” wrote the Mexican Mathematics Olympiad (OMM) via Twitter.

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In the individual competition , the national team won a gold medal , two silver , and three bronze , as well as two honorary mentions , while in the team competitio n they picked up a gold and a bronze .

According to the OMM , this is the best Mexican participation in the competition.

“We don’t want to work in budgetary uncertainty . We work a lot and we work fine; we keep showing it with the results. These are the fruits of our work. We deserve attention to our work and to be given the necessary conditions to be able to keep doing it,” said the OMM about the financial cuts by CONACyT to scientific associations.
