
Mexican soprano Denis Andrea Vélez Luna triumphs at the Met Opera

The Mexican soprano Denis Andrea Vélez Luna was one of the five winners of the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions

This MET prize has been highly relevant in the careers of the biggest opera stars - Photo: Taken from the Met's Facebook account
04/03/2020 |14:30Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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Born in Puebla in 1992, the Mexican soprano Denis Andrea Vélez Luna , who won the first place of the last November, was one of the five winners of the competition of the , one of the most important of the opera international scene.

The is a program by the Met in New York designed to discover promising young opera singers and help them in the development of their careers.

Auditions take place in 40 districts and 12 regions in the United States and Canada and they have been highly relevant in the careers of the biggest opera stars.

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The prize consists of USD $25 thousand and the opportunity to sing in the Met’s stage and launch an important opera career.

Singer David Lomelí

published in his social networks that Vélez received the prize from the Mexican tenor Javier Camarena , who is currently considered one of the top figures of the Met.

The auditions take place since 1954 and for over 60 years, the annual competition has helped to launch the careers of uncountable young singers. Every season, over 100 participants appear in the list of the Met .

In social networks, the Mexican opera community celebrated Vélez’s achievement. Orchestra conductor Iván López Reynoso asserted that it is a joyful event for the national lyric.
