
Mexican filmmaker Alfonso Cuarón backs domestic workers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic

There are over 2.3 million domestic workers in Mexico

Woman cleaning kitchen cabinets with sponge and spray cleaner - Photo: Daniel Jedzura/EL UNIVERSAL
27/05/2020 |13:19
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The famous Mexican filmmaker Alfonso Cuarón is endorsing a campaign in support of so that they employers keep paying them during the .

Cuarón, who won the 2019 Academy Award for , whose protagonist is a domestic worker of indigenous origin, adopted the initiative of the (CACEH) that urges the population to respect the rights of this sector amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“As employers, it’s our responsibility to pay their wages in these uncertain times. The objective of this campaign is to remind people of the importance of taking care of those who take care of us and to respect domestic workers as they deserve,” said the filmmaker in a statement on Tuesday.

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According to the CACEH , the majority of the 2.3 million domestic workers in Mexico live from hand to mouth and do not have access to social security.

“Thousands of domestic workers were left unemployed or without payment due to the coronavirus. Many employers have asked them to stop working to protect their family’s health, but they have given them no certainties” regarding their payment , said the organization in a statement.


The campaign “Cuida a quien te cuida” (Take Care of Those Who Take Care of You) has the support of organizations like UN Women .

As of Tuesday, May 26, Mexico, a country with a population of 120 million people, had registered and

It is the second Latin American country with the highest COVID-19 death toll after and the .

