
Mexican authorities fail to investigate crimes against women

Millions of crimes go unpunished in Mexico every year

At least since the 90s, Mexican women have faced extreme violence - Photo: José Luis González/REUTERS
27/02/2020 |09:44
Redacción El Universal
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According to information released by ’s statistics agency INEGI , in 2019, federal, state, and local authorities received reports in regards to 16 million , however, 15 and a half million were not investigated.

Moreover, out of the 1 million cases that were investigated, only 58,000 criminals were presented before a judge ; therefore, there is an effectiveness rate between 5% and 7%; as a result, rate has increased to 95%, a number that has prevailed in recent years.

According to the INEGI , the reasons before these worrying figures and the impunity rate are quite revealing: the majority of victims , around 4 million, did not report the because they believe it is waste of time, another 2 million don’t trust authorities, and one million victims consider that the crimes are not important or that they don’t have enough evidence to ratify their report.

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Another factors behind the victim’s refusal to file police report include fear of the criminal, fear of being extorted, authorities were hostile towards them, or because the process is a long one. Besides high impunity rates, many of the crimes take place inside the family realm.

All these reasons are linked to ineffective authorities who do not protect or support victims during critical moments. Additionally, authorities show no interest in delivering justice and setting a precedent so that other criminals don’t hurt .

All these factors explain the anger among women who have protested against and gender-based violence , especially because they don’t know who to trust, they are ignored and their cases are not investigated.

Therefore, it is essential not to normalize violence and eradicate and anything that threatens their life. Mexican women deserve respect.

