
Magazine whitewashes Yalitza Aparicio

Social media users pointed out that Yalitza's skin looks much lighter and looks slimmer

Left: Yalitza Aparicio in the cover of ¡HOLA! (Taken from ¡HOLA! Instagram account)/Right: Yalitza in the cover of Teen Vogue (Taken from Teen Vogue's Instagram account)
21/02/2019 |14:12EL UNIVERSAL in English/Gretel Morales |
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Yalitza Aparicio

has taken the world by storm. After her debut in Alfonso Cuarón's “Roma” , the Mexican actress has walked red carpets all over the world and graced the covers of magazines such as VOGUE Mexico, Teen Vogue, Vanity Fair , among many others.

Unfortunately, since Yalitza became a public figure, she has been attacked for her appearance . Just last weekend, she was described as a “fucking indian by actor Sergio Goyri.

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Today, the magazine ¡HOLA! r evealed that Yalitza was this week's cover. The actress can be seen wearing a beautiful red gown and posing with confidence.

Nevertheless, social media users have accused the magazine of photoshopping Yalitza , as her skin color looks much lighter and her body appears to be altered as well.

It would be quite unfortunate if the magazine did photoshop Yalitza since she has become a role model for millions of women in Mexico and all over the world, who look up to her because she embraces her beauty and defends her Indigenous roots.

In a broader context, whitewashing an Indigenous woman sends the wrong message : that in order to be beautiful , you have to look a certain way, which does not include brown skin.

In comparison, other magazines have shown Yalitza's beauty without altering it:

The magazine has yet to comment on the issue.
