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PAN respalda exigencia ciudadana de paz en Sinaloa; “autoridades han sido incapaces de hacerle frente a esta circunstancia”

Diputada del PRI propone reforma para que servicio social cuente como experiencia laboral; insiste en hacerlo obligatorio

Ante medidas anunciadas por gobierno de EU, PAN urge plan integral; exige compartir estrategias implementadas

Siguen conversaciones con administración de Trump, dice Sheinbaum; “estamos obligados a tener una buena relación con EU”
arrested Fidel Alejandro Villegas Villegas , the current head of Public Security of the municipality of Janos for alleged links to organized crime , as well as for his probable participation in the attack against the LeBarón family .
Did you know the FBI is participating in the investigation of
According to official information, Fidel Alejandro Villegas was arrested in Janos on Tuesday night and transported to Mexico City, although until now the FGR has not issued an official statement on the arrest.
Fidel Alejandro Villegas Villegas would be the third suspect arrested following the massacre that took place on November 4 in Bavispe, Sonora, in which six minors and three adult women were murdered .
Have you heard the
In November, federal authorities arrested Hector Mario Hernández and his brother Luis Manuel , who are currently under arrest in Mexico City , despite several manifestations were done to point out they were scapegoats.
It was informed that the investigation on Villegas is derived from his alleged links to an organized crime group that operates in that region of Chihuahua .
It is worth noting that both Julián and Adrián LeBarón would have mentioned the complicity between municipal authorities with organized crime groups.
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