
Karime Macías is released on bail by UK court

Macías was released after paying over MXN $3.5 million

Karime Macías, wife of former governor Javier Duarte, leaves Westminster Magistrates court in London - Photo: Yara Nardi/REUTERS
05/11/2019 |13:44Reuters |
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Former Veracruz governor

is currently serving a 9-year jail sentence for money laundering and his ties to organized crime and his wife, , was granted bail on by the British court that will decide whether she is extradited to Mexico .

In Mexico , Macías is wanted for allegedly conspiring to defraud the Mexican state of Veracruz . In late October 2019 , she was arrested in after handing herself in to police.

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A judge in Veracruz , where Karime Macías ’ husband governed from 2010 to 2016, issued an arrest warrant against her in 2018 for the alleged misuse of MXN $112 million in funds from a social welfare program.


was initially remanded in custody after her arrest on October 29 but today, at London’s Westminster Magistrates’ Court , Judge Michael Snow said she would be released on bail after having met the requirement of providing a .

When the judged asked Macías to confirm her name, she said Duarte was her ex-husband and she wished to be known as Karime Macías Tubilla .


will appear at the same London court on January 9 for a case management hearing.

In 2016, top Mexican auditor said that the irregularities in public funds under Duarte were the most it had ever seen.

Mexican prosecutors say Javier Duarte , a member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party ( PRI ), led an organization whose criminal operations were carried out in Veracruz , Campeche , and Mexico City between 2011 and 2016.
