
Impetuosa, the craft beer brewed by Mexican women

Women are contributing to the legacy of Mexican breweries with high-quality beers

Impuetuosa is a special edition beer - Photo: Taken from Cervecería Colima's Facebook account
20/02/2020 |18:57Newsroom/EL UNIVERSAL in English |
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There is no doubt that Mexico loves . Although Mexico produces excellent and fantastic , for many Mexicans beer is their go-to drink: it is the fans favorite for parties, meetings, and makes the best partner for snacks. It is simple, democratic – because there is one to suit all tastes – but in short, beer is love.

Beer has been produced in Mexico for over 125 years , and we are sure it still has many more to come. An example of this is , a hoppy lager beer created by over 40 women from 35 independent Mexican breweries at in El Trapiche, Cuauhtémoc, Colima.


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This special edition hoppy lager made by women will launch next March 7 in the framework of the International Women's Day that takes place every March 8 to commemorate the effort and dedication of those women who have generated change.

Profits from this beer will be donated to civil associations , NGOs , and collectives that promote the participation and professional development of Mexican women .

The women who brewed this beer come from different parts of Mexico including Colima , Cabo San Lucas , Mexico City , Ciudad Juárez , Ajijic , San Sebastián del Oeste , Guadalajara , Michoacán , Querétaro , Puebla , and Oaxaca .


There were also two collectives of women in the beer world: an NGO created in 2012 that promotes the culture , appreciation , and consumption of good beer between women . Until now, it has over 2,000 members with representatives and coordinators in 15 cities in Mexico and San Diego, California , where they organize parallel activities that promote beer culture .

Likewise, is a collective of 130 Mexican women who, since April 2019 , promote in a comprehensive way the participation of women in the beer industry through a support and career network.

The design of the label was in charge of María Echevarría , a visual artist from Mexico City who lives in Los Cabos.

Impetuosa is now available in and in several other stores in .

