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On holiday season, mainly in Christmas and New Year’s Eve , it is common to listen to fireworks , an activity that has become usual and that deeply hurts some of our pets, especially dogs .
To talk about how to help our pets in the Christmas season , El Botiquín talked to veterinarian and director of King veterinarian hospital, Sofía González .
The aversion to noise suffered by some dogs causes them anxiety and high stress levels , which can take place with any loud noise, not only with fireworks since their ears are more sensitive than ours.
This aversion can be caused by feeling discomfort or even pain in their ears when they hear a loud noise, so it is necessary to identify if your pet suffers from anxiety or stress induced by loud noises. According to Sofía González, some of the signals that suggest your dog suffers from this condition are:
- Hiding
- Showing apprehension
- Adopting a squatting position and retracting its ears to its head
- Barking
- Escaping. If this is the case for your pet, make sure to take the necessary precautions to prevent it from getting lost, like putting an identity plate on its collar
If your pet shows any of these signals, you must be careful especially on days when it is most probable for there to be loud noises caused by fireworks.
The expert points out that some measures to prevent noise-induced anxiety and stress in our pets are:
Improving their environment.
You can take them to an isolated room where the noise is not so loud or offer them a place where they can feel safe.
Positive reinforcement.
It could be a rug or a special space where they feel loved or you could give them treats to turn that area into a place where they feel safe and happy.
Did you know there is
Hormone treatment.
This option is only with expert medical supervision; the dog is given hormones that cause it a sense of comfort.
If your pets suffer from extreme anxiety caused by noises, it is necessary to go to a specialist, like an ethologist, who could prescript the adequate treatment for your pet.
Sofía González recommends to attend your pet immediately if it shows any sign of stress or anxiety and to take the necessary precautions; otherwise, your dog could suffer from constant and chronic stress .
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