
Criminals target judges and magistrates in Mexico

Yesterday, judge Uriel Villegas and his wife were murdered in Colima, Mexico

Organized crime has intimidated and harassed those who deliver justice - Photo: Eduardo Verdugo/AP
17/06/2020 |08:05
Redacción El Universal
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The tragic of judge and his wife in Colima, who handled organized crime cases, shows how vulnerable those who deliver justice are before criminals and the social decomposition that leads organized crime groups to impose their own rules.

This murder is the latest in a string of killings of police chiefs, , , mayors, aldermen, prison guards, lawyers, witnesses, and anyone who represents an obstacle for crime.


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intimidate and harass government officials to force them to carry put actions or verdicts. When the defendant doesn’t agree with the verdict and criminals try to thwart the work of the judicial branch , it spreads confusion among society, who witnesses more impunity, especially regarding drug trafficking.

Therefore, the statements made by minister Arturo Zaldívar are plausible, who said that after the murder of Villegas and despite the threats made by criminal organizations, the government must continue to carry out its job through the law, even when it can use force. He also said that what happened to the federal judge evidenced how courageous they are since they risk their lives to protect the rights of Mexicans.


For Mexico, it is a serious issue to have vulnerable judges because it sends a message to society: the government is not strong enough to protect them or deliver justice.

must not take over, especially when criminals want to halt justice. Moreover, several judges and magistrates have been threatened by organized crime.

Therefore, the government must guarantee the security of those who deliver justice because by guaranteeing their safety, they also guarantee justice for everyone.

Intimidation must not halt the judges’ activities, which are established in the Constitution because its continuity guarantees the rule of law and the social stability of the country.
