
The CNTE show goes on

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

The CNTE will block the Senate - Photo: Irvin Olivares/EL UNIVERSAL
23/09/2019 |09:48
Redacción El Universal
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The CNTE show goes on

We've been told that in the Senate , they are ready for the blockade the CNTE workers will install outside the building. We've been told that the opposition has asked Morena 's leader, Ricardo Monreal , to meet with the CNTE before Tuesday because it doesn't make sense that they're protesting after the secondary laws proposed are specially made for them and fulfill all their demands. Opposition Senators say that the CNTE feels powerful because it has shown that it has control over education issues . Anyway, the show will continue.

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Is MC conservative?


is in trouble again. After the political party 's secularity was questioned when several of its members organized an award ceremony for the leader of the Luz del Mundo Church, Naasón Joaquín García, who is now facing sexual abuse and human trafficking charges in the U.S. Now, a local legislator in Jalisco sparked criticism after she attended the pro-life protest this weekend. Both the politicians and the party were criticized since the MC party claims to enclose all the values of the Mexican left . Later, the general secretary at MC , Jorge Álvarez Máynez , told Estrada : “I don't see anyone marching against your family Esteban. You, in contrast, are marching against the rights of other families ,” and said that “that is not MC's position” on the issue. Does Estaban belong in another party?

The national pharma industry is worried

The purchase of methotrexate , used to treat children with cancer, will have side effects. The medicine was purchased from France and will be enough for the next three months, this way, there won't be a crisis in the health sector . Nevertheless, not everything is positive because this decision might force the pharmaceutical company PISA to close the line of production of this drug and as a result, it would fire several employees . Others say that the government should make sure that the imported medicines fulfill the high sanitary standards that authorities demand from Mexican companies since high-ranking authorities previously asked the Cofepris to authorize the purchase of antiretrovirals from the U.S. overnight. The Mexican pharmaceutical industry is on alert.

Aren't judges supposed to defend the weak?

We've been told that the magistrates who are in charge of handling the writs of amparo filed against the Santa Lucía airport have taken another direction. Earlier this year, a Mexico City tribunal ruled that in favor of the Indigenous people and communities. Nevertheless, last Thursday, magistrates Oscar Fernando Hernández Bautista and Alfredo Enrique Báez López denied the Santa María Ozumbilla community , located in Tecámac , the precautionary measure that has protected Indigenous people since 1917 . Aren't judges supposed to defend the weak?
