
Auditors question spending of MXN$4 billion in 2017

The Federal Superior Auditors noted irregularities worth MXN$3.21 billion pesos in the construction of the NAIM

As for the Mexico-Toluca intercity train, irregularities worth MXN$745 million were detected, out of which only MXN$25 million have been recovered - Photo: Ivan Stephens/EL UNIVERSAL
22/02/2019 |18:58Horacio Jiménez y Alejandra Canchola ​​​​​​​ |
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Upon presenting their third individualized report on the Federal Public Accont , the Federal Superior Auditors (ASF) identified irregularities worth MXN$4 billion in infrastructure and development projects from the administration of former president Enrique Peña Nieto in 2017 , such as the construction of the New International Airport of Mexico City (NAIM) , the Mexico-Toluca intercity train , and the Cuernavaca Express Highway , among others.

The head of the ASF, David Colmenares , informed that, after conducting an audit of expenses made during Peña Nieto’s administration in 2017, the government body was able to recover more than MXN$131 billion , a sum that could be increased once all pending statements are revised.

Furthermore, the third report also accounted for more than MXN$68.13 billion worth of pecuniary damage to the public treasury , which amounts to resources pending clarification by federal entities and programs.

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During his time as public official, he has filed 54 complaints and started a review process with the Attorney General to uncover past audits.

David Colmenares informed that the Federal Superior Auditors had noted irregularities worth MXN$3.21 billion in the construction of the NAIM , out of which only MXN$26.4 million have been recovered.

“All four audits pertaining to the construction of the airport led us to determine that there were deficiencies in the planning and execution of public works and services,” he stated.

As for the Mexico-Toluca intercity train , irregularities worth MXN$745 million were detected, out of which only MXN$25 million have been recovered. Said amount corresponded to faults in the release of right of way and deficiencies in the planning and execution of the project, as well as its interruption.

The ASF also noted “downright negligence in the management of the infrastructural project,” as well as additional payments that rose to MXN$131 million.

Colmenares revealed that an additional MXN$76.5 million were disbursed to address risks related to drainage works in the same place where a sinkhole caused the death of two people on July 12, 2017 .

Furthermore, the ASF found MXN$54.6 million worth of payments for items such as “differences in volumes and deficiencies in walls, hydraulic concrete pavement, and metal foil."
