
Ackerman vs. Monreal

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Carlos Loret de Mola revealed information on Ackerman and his wife - Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
25/06/2020 |09:11
Redacción El Universal
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Ackerman vs. Monreal

Academic John Ackerman, who’s married to the Public Administration Minister Irma Eréndira Sandoval , asked ruling party Morena to remove Ricardo Monreal as the party leader in the Senate and criticized Monreal for granting an interview to Carlos Loret de Mola. Inside Morena, they say Dr. Ackerman is confused because although the federal government showed support to him and his wife, the legislative branch is not so willing to attack a journalist for criticizing a government official. Yesterday, senators rallied around Monreal and showed their support.


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Another scandal at the INE

Now that the lower chamber will resume the process to appoint four new counselors to the INE , Jorge Alcocer Villanueva , who’s a member of Olga Sánchez Cordero ’s team, is involved in a scandal that might leave him out of the INE. Alcocer Villanueva had been disqualified but asked the electoral tribunal to review his exam once again; however, the situation has worsened for him. We’ve been told that a former PAN lawmaker accused him of sexual harassment and filed a formal complaint.


Ramírez Cuéllar is here to stay

Amid a pandemic , an earthquake , and the BOA conspiracy, Morena leader Alfonso Ramírez Cuéllar is ready to extend his leadership for a few months because of the COVID-19 pandemic halted the internal election process. At the same time, former party leader Yeidckol Polevnsky is still defending herself against embezzlement accusations and Alejandro Rojas Díaz Durán was suspended for 6 months. Inside Morena , they say there are only two contenders left Mario Delgado and Bertha Luján. The problem is that political parties have two months left to choose a new leader, so it seems like Ramírez Cuéllar is here to stay.


Does Sheinbaum get preferential treatment?

After his daily news conference, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador had breakfast with Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum . Yesterday, it was Sheinbaum’s birthday and she met with the President and some members of the cabinet; however, there was no birthday cake and López Obrador argued it was all a coincidence. Despite his claims, the President can’t deny he has a special relationship with the Mayor. Is she his favorite Governor ?

