The Attorney General's Office announced that it has integrated a "technical support group" which will count with the participation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) , an agency of the United Nations , the World Association of Mobile Operators (GSMA) and the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) , among other international bodies, in the investigation of the alleged espionage on human rights defenders, journalists and activists.

In a press conference, Ricardo Sánchez Pérez del Pozo , head of the Special Prosecutor's Office for Crimes Against Freedom of Expression (FEADLE) , reported on the ministerial research plan that will count with this technical support group. "The case of an alleged illegal intervention of communications of public personalities has happened recently in other countries, we are acting given that international experience".

He explained that a technical support group has been organized "which will be formed by the International Telecommunication Union , which is the UN agency specialized in telecommunications; The World Association of Mobile Operators (GSMA), based in London, UK ; the School of Engineering and Electrical Mechanics of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) and former president of the Federal Telecommunications Commission (Cofetel), Héctor Osuna Jaime . The prosecutor also said and that the FBI of the United States will be asked to collaborate".

The Canadian Ministry of Justice will collaborate with PGR via international legal assistance through interviews with the Citizen Lab of the University of Toronto , who allegedly identified the espionage mechanism in Mexico as published by The New York Times .

Sánchez Pérez del Pozo reported that all agencies were asked to look for information on the use of Pegasus , the program that was allegedly used to infect the targets' mobile devices.

The federal agency will also request cell phone companies to record allegedly infected calls in order to find similarities in the numbers that sent the spyware.

The persons involved and who have submitted a complaint before the PGR will be notified to provide their electronic devices in order to carry out the corresponding expert analysis.

The prosecutor said that the precautionary measures indicated by the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) were completed since last July 24.


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