Mexico's government and key members of the country's private sector agreed to work together towards renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), one of the hottest issues during the U.S. presidential elections that Trump has vowed to renegotiate or pull out of entirely, and make the changes necessary to defend investment and jobs in Mexico.

At the end of the meeting between members of the private sector, the Interior Minister, Minister of Finance, and the Minister of Economy, the government officials said that Mexico is ready to face these new challenges as a result of Trump's surprising win on Tuesday.

The Minister of Finance, Ildefonso Guajardo, went on to say that the government and businessmen will “work in unison” to transform these challenges into opportunities, and Mexico will continue to be an open country that is always welcoming to new markets and foreign investment, and it will continue to support the signing and passing of the TPP, which Trump does not support.

“We have to reaffirm that Mexico is ready to face these new challenges. The Mexican government will work to promote communication and understanding between Mexico and the U.S. that will allow both sides to benefit from our bilateral relationship,” said the Interior Minister.

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