
Salma Hayek mocks Trump for 7/11 gaffe

Salma Hayek mocked Donald Trump's latest snafu.

Salma really went for the throat this time. (Photo: SPECIAL)
19/04/2016 |19:05Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexican actress and producer Salma Hayek just went ballistic against Donald Trump, with the precision expected from a refined dame as her.

"I am a dyslexic Mexican and English is my second language, however even I do not confuse 7/11 with 9/11. #DonaldTrump," she tweeted.

The 49-year-old actress, who is a known supporter of Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton, reacted that way to the latest mind-boggling mistake by the Republican tycoon, who somehow confused the convenience store chain with the tragedy of September 11, 2001, at a rally in Buffalo, New York, on Monday.

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"I wrote this out, and it's very close to my heart because I was down there and I watched our police and our firemen down at 7/11, down at the World Trade Center right after it came down," the GOP frontrunner said.

"And I saw the greatest people I've ever seen in action," he added.

Trump has not addressed his mistake and on Tuesday, he focused in the New York primary instead.

“Polls close in 3 hours! Everyone get out and VOTE! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain,” he tweeted this afternoon.

But knowing just how popular Salma is, maybe he should respond to her comments.