Mexican institutions are heavily targeted by cyberattacks
Mexican institutions are heavily targeted by cyberattacks
In one year, cyberattacks against finance institutions went from one to four per trimester, which represented affectations for MXN $784.7 million
Hackers have increasingly targeted companies with malicious programs that can cripple systems overseeing everything from supply chains to manufacturing, removing them only after receiving substantial payments
Hackers have increasingly targeted companies with malicious programs that can cripple systems overseeing everything from supply chains to payments to manufacturing, removing them only after receiving substantial payments
This browser is used to access the Deep Web, where there is human trafficking and other crimes
It is estimated that the total annual cost of cybercrime in 2019 could exceed USD$2 billion
INEGI: Adolescents and young people are particularly vulnerable to cyberbullying and harassment
The government and private institutions have failed to take adequate steps to prevent cyber attacks
The data, published on a Twitter account, included addresses, personal letters, and copies of identity cards
Europol: Mexico showed the largest number of cyber-attacks in Latin America after Brazil