
Xilinat, a natural sweetener suitable for diabetics

Xilinat, a natural sweetener made from husks of coffee, beans, rice or corn rachis, is a healthy product that can be consumed by people with diabetes or obesity

Corn rachis is one of the ingredients with which Xilinat is made - Photo: Taken from xilinat.com
05/07/2019 |17:54Newsroom |
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After much investigation, was finally created. It is a natural sweetener suitable for people with diabetes or obesity.

Made from the husk of coffee, beans, and rice, as well as corn rachis , Xilinat is brought directly from San Bernardino Tlaxcalcingo , a community of farmers in Puebla .

This natural sweetener is actual proof of the innovation and use of waste in favor of human health .

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Xilinat emerges as a college project that offers a sweetener that seeks to eradicate toxic substances we find daily, like aspartame or phenylalanine .

The frequent use of these toxic substances creates many of the health issues of Mexicans, like diabetes, excess weight and obesity.

Although Xilinat is a healthy product, it has a similar texture and flavor to sugar, the same attribute that makes it attractive for those with restrictions to this kind of product.

To elaborate this sweetener, the residues (husk of coffee, beans, rice, corn rachis, and others) are grinded first, then, hot water is added. The mix of these two ingredients allows the liberation of the sugar known as corno xilosa , just before its fermentation with yeast .


is a polyalcohol, which means that despite having the same flavor as conventional sugar, the organism does not process it as a carbohydrate . Thanks to that, insuline is not needed to metabolize it, which automatically makes it healthier.

Thanks to the sustainable labor and support to improve the health of thousands of Mexicans, the Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT) recognized Xilinat as an initiative that is changing the world with its great positive impact.