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Eco-park Xcaret , located in the Riviera Maya , was named the best theme and water park in the world for the fourth year in a row by the Travvy Awards . This is the second time it wins the golden award, the other two were silver .

For six years now, the Travvy Awards have recognized the best touristic destinations, hotel chains, beaches, travel agencies, and attractions in the world. The awards are presented by TravAllianmedia , a company that is in charge of recognizing excellence standards on international tourism .
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The ceremony took place in New York and the recognition was received by Xcaret’s sales and business development director Rodrigo Montalvo Lorea and Ariana Martínez Calleja , public relations manager.
In an interview for EL UNIVERSAL , Rodrigo Montalvo said these awards are obtained through an open ballot for travel agents in the United States and Canada .
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Every year, Xcaret receives millions of people who enjoy over 50 jungle attractions , shows , cultural events , and gastronomy . Likewise, it has its own luxury hotel which gives you the opportunity to have access to all the Xcaret parks. It is all-inclusive : hotel, drinks, and access to the park.
Montalvo stressed that they “have a commitment with the planet , gastronomy , art , and culture so that visitors have a nice experience in Xcaret without harming nature .”
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